
Localized metallization of flexible and rigid dielectric materials is a powerful tool for surface engineering and modification. Metallic patterns are of great interest in various fields of science and technology, where they can find applications in the production of electronics, sensor devices, etc.  Along with this, the vector of modern industrial microelectronics technologies is shifting annually towards the development and application of more environmentally friendly approaches.

Deep eutectic solvents have been gaining popularity for the last 10 years as “green” solvents. Thus, the use of such systems seems extremely relevant, taking into account the replacement of traditional approaches with more environmentally friendly ones.

We present a new approach based on deep eutectic solvents (DES)-assisted synthesis of conductive copper structures using regular technique of laser-induced liquid deposition of metals (LCLD). It was shown that it is possible to increase the deposition rate of copper by an order of magnitude by using deep eutectic solvents (DESs) as a medium for laser synthesis.  As a results, the developed approach overcomes the previous limitations of the one-stage laser-assisted deposition technology, and opens the opportunities for new applications of this method, e.g. in micro-LEDs and displays technologies. We anticipate further development of this approach for fabrication of a wide range of conductive materials on various substrates with higher deposition rate.

Contributing Authors

  • Ilya I Tumkin
    Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • Evgeny Gurevich
    Laser Center (LFM), University of Applied Sciences Münster
  • Andreas Ostendorf
    Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Ilya I Tumkin
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Track: Laser Materials Microprocessing
Session: Microelectronics 2
Day of Week: Wednesday
Location: Salon 3


  • Copper
  • Deep Eutectic Solution
  • Direct Laser Writing
  • Laser-Induced Metal Deposition
  • Ultrashort Laser Pulses