LIA will present the Arthur L. Schawlow Award for Pioneering Basic and Applied Research in Laser Science and Engineering at ICALEO. It will also be presenting the coveted William M. Steen Award to organizations in each industry that demonstrate significant innovation in the use of lasers for advanced materials processing.
Arthur L. Schawlow Award
Outstanding Contribution to Basic and Applied Research in Laser Science and Engineering
The Arthur L. Schawlow Award recognizes outstanding, career-long contributions to basic and applied research in laser science and engineering leading to fundamental understanding of laser materials interaction and/or transfer of laser technology for increased application in industry, medicine and daily life. Examples of fields of contribution include the following in addition to many relevant topics:
- Laser spectroscopy and its application in materials processing and diagnostics
- Laser-aided materials processing
- Laser interaction with biological tissues
- Development of new lasers
Nominations are open to candidates who made outstanding contribution to basic and applied research in laser science and engineering. The recipient does not have to be a member of LIA but sustained service to LIA can be one of the additional contributions that is considered for the award. Nominations are active for three years.
William M. Steen Award
Organizations with Significant Innovation in the use of Lasers for Advanced Materials Processing
The Laser Institute of America is pleased to invite applications for the prestigious William M. Steen Award for significant developments in laser material processing named after one of the early pioneers in the subject. Laser Material Processing is one of the growth points in modern manufacturing. To bring focus to the many developments taking place and to promote the development of new ideas the LIA is making awards for the top idea of the year as adjudicated by a prize giving panel.
In order to qualify the innovative development should have experimental proof of concept in the use of lasers or monitoring of laser processes and should fit one of the criteria stated below:
- Open a new area of application for lasers.
- Be of benefit to manufacturing with lasers.
- Solve a problem either particular or general by the use of lasers.
- Show some novel sensing system by using optics or when monitoring laser processes.
- A development in photo chemistry.
- A development in photo-therapies.
- A development in 3D printings with lasers
LIA will be accepting public nominations for the William M. Steen Award through the nomination form.
LIA Fellow Award
LIA's Most Prestigious Level of Membership
The grade of Fellow is the highest level of membership in the LIA. It is awarded to recognize members of the institute who have:
- attained unusual professional distinction in the LIA mission areas of laser science and technology, laser applications and/or laser safety, and
- provided outstanding service to their field.
Nominations are open to candidates who must have practiced the profession of laser science and engineering in academia, medicine, industry or government for at least 10 years, and fellow membership for any individual shall not be instituted or remain in effect unless his/her membership is current. For exceptional candidates, the Executive Committee may waive the eligibility requirements.
JLA Best Paper Award
Excellence in Laser Applications Research
The Journal of Laser Applications Best Paper Award is given annually in recognition of outstanding laser applications research to the primary author of a selected paper published in the journal in the preceding three years. Each Editor nominates a single paper in their topical area for consideration by the full Editorial team based on the quality and significance of the work.
The winning author receives free registration to ICALEO and a Crystal Award.
Student Paper and Poster Awards
Recognizing Student Excellence
Full-time students (Student ID required with conference registration and application form) are encouraged to submit papers on their research in the field of laser applications and electro-optics. An alternative option for submitting authors, are poster presentations. Poster presenters are eligible for peer review and submitted manuscripts will be included in the ICALEO Proceedings. This is an excellent opportunity for networking and the sharing of ideas.
Cash prize awards will be presented to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners of both the student papers and the poster presenters. Additionally, winning papers will also be considered for submission to the Journal of Laser Applications® for further peer review and publication. Presentations will be judged by an international panel based on the following criteria:
- Originality of Topic / Material Presented
- Scientific and Technical Merit / Impact
- Clarity of Presentation (Oral & Visual)
Space in this contest is limited—encourage your students to participate!